October 16, 2024

Dr. Jernail S. Anand’s Magnum Opus ‘Philosophia de Anand’: A Prophetic Work of Contemporary TimesProfessor [Dr] Ram Chandra Pradhan


Dr. Jernail S. Anand’s Magnum Opus ‘Philosophia de Anand’: A Prophetic Work of Contemporary Times

Professor [Dr] Ram Chandra Pradhan

‘Philosophia De Anand’ is a profound compendium that unites the most incisive philosophical works of Dr Jernail Singh Anand, a towering figure in contemporary thought whose writings traverse the vast terrains of human existence, spirituality, ethics, and the profound discontents of modernity. This anthology amalgamates nine of his most significant books: ‘The Monster Within’, ‘Bliss: The Ultimate Magic’, ‘I Belong to You’, ‘The Mystique or Life & Death’ ‘Skeptik’, ‘Transformations’, ‘Bulls in the Stock Market of Hell’, ‘Where Angels Fear to Tread’, ‘Blah Blah’, and ‘Of Gods & Men’. Together, these works represent a lifetime of introspection, critique, and the relentless pursuit of truth, inviting readers into a dialogue with their innermost selves and the fractured world around them.

Dr Anand’s works are not simply books—they are philosophical journeys, each one a meticulous dissection of the human condition and a call to rediscover the lost essence of our collective humanity. As a philosopher, poet, and seer, Anand is deeply attuned to the tensions and contradictions that define our age: the clash between material progress and spiritual decay, the unbridled pursuit of technology at the expense of human connection, and the ceaseless search for meaning in an increasingly fragmented world. His writings challenge us to confront these dilemmas head-on, offering no easy solutions but instead urging us to find our own path through the tangled web of modern existence.

In ‘The Monster Within’, Anand embarks on a searing critique of contemporary society, exposing the paradoxes that lie at the heart of human progress. Through vivid imagery and piercing insight, he paints a world where technological advancements and material comforts have failed to deliver true fulfilment, leading instead to a profound spiritual emptiness. High- rise buildings, sprawling industries, and the pervasive influence of media may suggest a society on the rise, but Anand reveals the dark underbelly of this so-called progress: a loss of humanity, a growing disconnect from nature, and an erosion of the inner life that once defined us. He argues that in our relentless pursuit of external success, we have become machines— efficient, yet devoid of soul. Anand’s critique is both timely and timeless, serving as a powerful reminder that true progress cannot be measured by economic growth or technological prowess alone, but by the quality of our relationships with ourselves, each other, and the natural world.

The journey continues with ‘Bliss: The Ultimate Magic’, a philosophical exploration of happiness and its elusive nature. In this work, Anand shifts the focus from the external to the internal, urging readers to seek fulfilment not in the transient pleasures of the material world but in the deeper, more enduring realm of the soul. He deftly navigates the complexities of human desire, revealing that true bliss is not something that can be bought, earned, or achieved but is a state of being that resides within each of us. Through poetic language and profound insight, Anand challenges the readers to redefine their understanding of happiness, not as a fleeting emotion tied to external circumstances but as a profound inner peace that transcends the ups and downs of everyday life. His reflections offer a powerful antidote to the restless consumerism that characterises modern existence, reminding us that the ultimate magic of life lies not in what we accumulate but in what we are.

‘I Belong to You’ is perhaps one of Anand’s most humanistic works, a heartfelt plea for unity, empathy, and the recognition of our shared humanity. In a world increasingly divided by borders, ideologies, and self-interest, Anand’s call for interconnectedness is both urgent and deeply resonant. He explores the universal themes of love, compassion, and belonging, urging us to look beyond the superficial divisions that separate us and embrace the deeper truths that bind us together. Anand’s vision of a world where all life is interconnected challenges the prevailing narratives of individualism and competition, advocating instead a philosophy of mutual respect and collective responsibility. His reflections are a timely reminder that our true strength lies not in our differences but in our ability to recognise and celebrate our common humanity.

With ‘Skeptik’ and ‘Transformations’, Anand delves deeper into the philosophical and ethical crises of our age. These works serve as both a mirror and a critique of contemporary society, exposing the moral bankruptcy that often lies beneath the surface of modern life. Anand’s incisive analysis of the decline of ethical values, the rise of cynicism, and the pervasive sense of existential despair that characterises our times is both unsettling and profoundly illuminating. He challenges us to confront the uncomfortable truths about our own lives and the world we inhabit, urging us to reclaim the lost art of ethical living and to strive for a more just and compassionate society. Anand’s reflections are not just critiques but also calls to action, inviting us to become active participants in the ongoing struggle to create a better world.

‘Bulls in the Stock Market of Hell’ is perhaps Anand’s most scathing indictment of the materialistic culture that dominates modern life. Through powerful metaphors and evocative language, he critiques a world where human values are traded like commodities and the relentless pursuit of wealth has led to a spiritual and moral vacuum. Anand’s portrayal of the ‘stock market of hell’ is a fitting metaphor for a society that has lost its way, prioritising profit over people, and success over substance. His reflections on the corrosive effects of consumerism are both biting and deeply empathetic, capturing the soul-crushing impact of a system that values things over beings. Anand’s critique is a wake-up call, urging us to rethink our priorities and to seek a richer, more meaningful existence that honours the intrinsic worth of all life.

‘Where Angels Fear to Tread’ addresses the ethical dilemmas posed by scientific and technological advancements, questioning the very trajectory of human progress. Anand’s reflections on the dangers of unchecked ambition and the potential for science to become a force of destruction rather than enlightenment are both timely and deeply relevant. He urges society to temper its pursuit of knowledge with wisdom and compassion, reminding us that the true measure of progress lies not in what we can achieve but in how we use our achievements to better the world. Anand’s work challenges the reader to consider the ethical implications of their actions and to strive for a more balanced and responsible approach to innovation.

‘Blah Blah’ and ‘Of Gods & Men’ offer a fitting conclusion to this collection, encapsulating Anand’s ability to critique both the trivial and the transcendent with equal fervour. In ‘Blah Blah’, Anand takes aim at the empty rhetoric and superficiality that often characterise modern discourse, urging us to move beyond the noise and engage in meaningful dialogue. His reflections on the power of language are a reminder of the profound impact that our words can have on our lives and the world around us. ‘Of Gods & Men’ juxtaposes the fallibility of human institutions with the enduring ideals of faith, hope, and redemption. Anand’s exploration of the divine and the profane captures the tension between our highest aspirations and our most profound failures, ultimately calling for a reconciliation of the two.

‘Philosophia De Anand’ is not just a collection of books—it is a philosophical odyssey that invites the reader to embark on a journey of self-discovery, introspection, and transformation. Dr Jernail Singh Anand’s writings are a testament to the power of literature to illuminate the darkest corners of the human soul and to inspire a deeper understanding of the complexities of existence. His works challenge us to look beyond the surface of our daily lives and to engage with the deeper questions that lie at the heart of what it means to be human.

At a time when the world is increasingly defined by division, disconnection, and despair, Anand’s voice is a beacon of hope and a call to return to the fundamental values of love, empathy, and truth. His writings resonate with a timeless wisdom that transcends the boundaries of culture, creed, and nationality, speaking to the universal human experience and reminding us of our shared destiny. As you journey through the pages of this collection, may you find not just intellectual insight but also the courage to live with integrity, the strength to seek truth, and the wisdom to recognise that in the end, it is our shared humanity that defines us.

Dr Anand’s philosophy is not an escape from reality but a call to engage more deeply with it, to see the world not just as it is but as it could be. His works challenge us to confront our fears, our failures, and our deepest desires, and to emerge from that confrontation not diminished but empowered. In a world that often feels chaotic and unmanageable, Anand’s writings offer a roadmap to a more meaningful and fulfilling existence. They remind us that amidst the noise and distraction of modern life, there is still a place for quiet reflection, for ethical living, and for the pursuit of a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world around us.

This volume is more than a collection of Dr Anand’s greatest works—it is a testament to his enduring legacy as a thinker, a poet, and a humanist. His writings will continue to inspire, challenge, and transform for generations to come, offering a guiding light in an often dark and confusing world. As you delve into the pages of ‘Philosophia De Anand’, may you be inspired to not only reflect on your own journey but also to take action in the world, guided by the principles of love, compassion, and a relentless pursuit of truth.

Professor Ram Chandra Pradhan

[Ram Chandra Pradhan, a well-known social activist and a Gandhian scholar, taught at Ramjas College, Delhi University for several decades. As one of the conveners of the Lokayan project and as an activist thinker of the Movement for Peace and Alternative Development, he has travelled all over the world and interacted with activists and scholars across the continents Dr Pradhan has been a recipient of the Senior Fulbright Fellowship (1979-80) and the Indo- Canadian Shastri Fellowship (1993). He is the author of several books including Raj to Swaraj (both in English and Hindi), Reading and Reappraising Gandhi and Colonialism in India published by Macmillan India. He has another book on Gandhji, Integrating Body, Mind and Heart: The Gandhian Way. He has also books on the Bhagavad Gita and Koran Sharif to his credit. Ones of his translated works, The Struggle of My Life: Autobiography of Swami Sahajanand Saraswati has been published by Oxford University Press, Delhi. At present, he has taken to whole time writing and is engaged in a multi- volume study of the Indian Socialist Movement. Earlier, he was attached to the Institute of Gandhian Studies, Wardha, Maharashtra]


Dr Jernail Singh Anand, President of the International Academy of Ethics, is author of 170 books in English poetry, fiction, non-fiction, philosophy and spirituality. He was awarded Charter of Morava, the great Award by Serbian Writers Association, Belgrade and his name was engraved on the Poets’ Rock in Serbia. The Academy of Arts and philosophical Sciences of Bari [Italy] honoured him with the award of an Honourable Academic. Recently, he was awarded Doctor of Philosophy [Honoris Causa] by the University of Engg and Management, Jaipur. Recently, he organized an International Conference on Contemporary Ethics at Chandigarh. His most phenomenal book is Lustus:The Prince of Darkness [first epic of the Mahakaal Trilogy]. [Email: anandjs55@yahoo.com Mobile: 919876652401[Whatsapp] [ethicsacademy.co.in]

Link Bibliography: https://atunispoetry.com/2023/12/08/indian-author-dr-jernail-s-anand-honoured-at-the-60th-belgrade-international-meeting-of-writers/